Guided Journaling

Published: 27/07/2021 12:52

Journaling is recognised as being helpful in reducing anxiety through: providing clarity; identifying patterns; revealing emotions, and processing decisions. It can help us become more flexible and accepting in our thinking. Strengthened self-discipline and achievement of goals and are also attributed to journaling.

The act of writing involves co-ordination between hand, eye and mind. Through that co-ordination and interaction, enlightening discoveries can be made. Journaling is an effective method for unearthing self-knowledge and revealing the resources and capabilities we have within us.

These 30-minute guided journaling sessions provide us with an opportunity to pause and reflect; to observe and understand what’s happening around us and inside of ourselves.

The facilitator will guide you through the journaling process and each session will have a wellbeing focus.

Though the guided journaling takes place in a group setting, your experience will be entirely personal. With this in mind, all microphones will remain muted throughout, and you can leave your camera off if you choose. You have the benefit of knowing that others are writing along with you, but the session is entirely what you make it. There will be an opportunity at the end to connect in small groups to share anything you wish from your reflections, however there is never any expectation for you to share what you write, or to contribute to this conversation.

Join us in taking 30-minutes to pause and connect with yourself. No prior journaling experience is necessary - all you need is something to write with and some paper.

For course dates and to book your place, please click the link: Guided Journaling Session | Turas | Learn (