New report lays out health challenges facing people in Grampian

Published: 18/04/2023 09:40

Grampian’s Director of Public Health has published their annual report, with the cost of living, higher demand for health & social care services, infectious diseases, and climate change identified as the big challenges to the wellbeing of local people. 

Susan Webb’s report “Delivering Change, Improving Lives...” reflects on the difficult experience of the last 3 years, but also highlights that, prior to COVID-19, improvements in health had been stalling for a decade. 

Susan said: “As my report makes clear, life expectancy is no longer improving and premature deaths are increasing. The pandemic exposed the level of health inequality which exists in communities across Grampian. Our experience here is not unique; we are seeing similar challenges right across Scotland, and the UK. 

“My hope is this report will be a trigger for all of us to actAlmost every aspect of our lives impacts our health – our jobs, homes, education, transport, poverty and discrimination. Health improvement is not solely the responsibility of the NHS; we need other organisationscommunities and individuals to all play their part. Healthier lives are within reach for all of us, but that requires all of us to take action. I am pleased at the willingness of our local partners to be involved in this. When we work together, we can create the building blocks for a healthier, fairer, and safer place to live for everyone. 

In the coming months, NHS Grampian will work with local partners, including the Third Sector, to run a series of engagement opportunities. The aim of these is to work with communities in the north-east to develop an action plan to meet the challenges outlined. 

Susan added: “The pressures on services at present are well known. If we all play our part, making healthier choices, we end up in a win-win situation; individuals are happier and healthier, thereby reducing the demand for services. Prevention is better than cure was true when the NHS was founded almost 75 years ago, and it remains true today.” 

Delivering Change, Improving Lives... is available to read on the NHS Grampian website at: Director of Public Health's Annual Report (