Pathways - Improve preventative and timely access to care


Pathway redesign

Our redesign of health and care will look at the whole system, and pathways from end to end. We will work with key stakeholders, focusing on two separate pathways: Adult General Mental Health and Frailty.


Intelligence-led improvements

We want to focus on how we develop live data modelling. This will allow us to be informed by emerging population health data and demographics. Such data helps us redesign pathways, modernise the surveillance system for health protection and identify areas of low uptake for immunisation and vaccination.


Making every opportunity count (MEOC)

MEOC encourages staff to have conversations on lifestyle and life circumstances, led by the individual and what is important to them. We want to ensure that MEOC is used consistently across Grampian. We will also increase the number of specialties providing holistic support to people on the waiting lists for procedures (the “Waiting Well” initiative).


Primary and community care

Working with the Integrated Joint Boards (IJBs), we will develop a joint vision for general practice in Grampian. The vision will identify areas for action as we move towards better resilience and sustainability.