About Us

Who We Are

NHS Grampian Health Protection Protection department is responsible for the monitoring, investigation, and control of communicable diseases and environmental hazards in Grampian. 

NHS Grampian works in partnership with the 3 local authority ( Aberdeen city, Aberdeenshire and Moray) environment health department in Grampian and the health protection Scotland. 


What We Do 

  • Surveillance, monitoring, investigation and control of communicable disease and environmental hazards in Grampian.
  • Identification and management of outbreaks in the community and the management of major hospital outbreaks.
  • Support and advice to the local Local Authorities, Emergency Services, Scottish Water, Animal Health and NHS staffs. 
  • Coordination of immunisation programmes and provision of advice to professionals.
  • Education and training to a wide range of professional groups. 


How to Contact Us

Health Protection Team

Public Health Directorate

NHS Grampian

Summerfield House

2 Eday Road


AB15 6RE 


The service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

During office hours: 01224 558520

Emergency/ out of hours: 0345 456 6000 - ask for public health on call.  

Published: 27/10/2022 09:04