Grampian residents who smoke urged to ‘Quit and Win’ on No Smoking Day

Published: 08/03/2023 10:07

Health charity ASH Scotland is urging Grampian residents to consider giving up smoking this No Smoking Day (Wednesday 8 March 2023) to benefit their health, wellbeing and personal finances. 

The charity’s ‘Quit and Win’ campaign is highlighting that giving up smoking brings health benefits such as decreasing the risks of coronary heart disease and lung cancer, after one year and 10 years respectively, by about 50% compared to people who continue to smoke.

New analysis released by the charity also suggests that an average Scottish household containing people who smoke could save £3,308 within 12 months of quitting smoking. 

Sheila Duffy, Chief Executive of ASH Scotland, said: “Tobacco is a major cause of inequalities, and it is more important than ever that people in Grampian facing everyday stresses during the cost-of-living crisis are empowered to access expert smoking cessation support that is freely available from the NHS. 

“Quit Your Way Scotland, local stop smoking services and community pharmacies provide free support which can help you to develop a personalised plan and, on No Smoking Day, we are encouraging people in Grampian to begin taking vital steps towards a much healthier future by stopping smoking for good.”  

The charity’s call, is backed by NHS Grampian. Deputy Director of Public Health, Shantini Paranjothy said: “There is lots of support available to anyone who would like to quit smoking. The national helpline can point you in the right direction, and our local Healthline service is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Call 08085 20 20 30, email or use our online referral form.  

“Trained advisors can discuss health concerns, practical ways to improve your health, mental wellbeing and coaching and details of local support groups. You can also get free access to nicotine replacement therapies and helpful advice from your local community pharmacy.” 

The NHS Grampian online referral form is available at: Contact the national Quit Your Way team by calling the free helpline on 0800 848484 or create a quit plan at

ASH Scotland is tackling tobacco head-on by campaigning to reduce the harms caused by smoking. To keep updated about the charity’s No Smoking Day activities, follow and 

ASH Scotland – Action on Smoking and Health Scotland – is the Scottish charity taking action to reduce harm caused by tobacco. We seek to improve health and quality of life by helping to create a society which supports young people in remaining tobacco-free, helps those who want to stop smoking, protects people from second-hand smoke and challenges the inequalities resulting from tobacco use.